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Video Series

Certificates & Niagara

With secure connections becoming standard, knowing how to create, manage, and sign certificates and use them in Niagara is more important than ever. In this video series, we will explore what that all entails and how to deploy it on your projects.

Instructor: Matt Witmer

Niagara 4.13 added a new HTML5 version of the Certificate Manager view. Not only does this give you the ability to manage certificates for your JACE and Supervisor from a browser, but it also adds additional features that we don't have in the traditional Certificate Manager view. In this video, we take a look at this new view and those new features.

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Instructor: Matt Witmer

An introduction to our video series on Certificates and using them in Niagara.

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Instructor: Matt Witmer


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Instructor: Matt Witmer

In this video, we dig a little deeper into what a certificate looks like and Niagara's specific needs for them.

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Instructor: Matt Witmer

Learn how to generate a certificate in Niagara and then use a third-party certificate authority (GoDaddy) to sign your certificate.

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Instructor: Matt Witmer

In this video, we create our own certificate authority in Niagara and then sign our certificates using it. Finally, we install the CA into the trust store of our clients so that they know any certificate signed using it can be trusted.

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Instructor: Matt Witmer

In this video, we take a look at a lesser known use for certificates: client authentication.

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Instructor: Matt Witmer

The last video in the Certificates & Niagara series: we look at signed modules and how once you upgrade to Niagara 4.9, you will need to become very familiar with them.

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Instructor: Matt Witmer

If you are using a CA you created yourself to sign your Niagara certificates, you will very likely need to install that CA on a user’s iOS device at some point.

Signing certificates with your own CA
Certificates & Niagara Series

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Instructor: Matt Witmer

Matt goes over the usage of the Certificate Wizard that was added in Niagara 4.9. It takes the normal certificate creation, signing, and configuration process and combines it all into a single window.

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